
Showing posts from February, 2019

Falling Stars or Drop Squats

I created this exercise for myself to test out the effect of hypertrophy (muscle building on my legs) do not try this. I call it “The Fallen Stars” this exercise is evil by nature and If you’re not fit you will most likely mess up your knees. Allot of time we use squat jumps, long jumps, burpees, box jumps etc, but we forget about jumping down or the impact at what we hit the floor with. This is called eccentric contrition where you lengthen your muscles back to its original position from where you have started and make them even stronger than the jumping up phase or concentric contraction.                                                                       The down phase or eccentric contraction is where you can build the most strength, for the simple fact that you come down harder with gravity depending on how far you jump down plus the weight you carry will determine your weight of force when your feet hit the ground. In short it means you can probably turn 100kg into 200k

Fit Notes - Fail forward, take action, do, document ,repeat and succeed.

Sunrise... I haven’t done this in a while now my routine is out of whack I slept from 6 to 11 am. That 2 hours nap on Monday afternoon kept me up the whole night at least I got to improve on my one mile while others were sleeping. I have so much to do at any given time insomnia doesn’t bother me anymore I use it to my advantage. It was not as fun repeating Saturday’s workout as copying and pasting the program on ‘’FitNotes” last night. The graphs are fun you can actually see the volume of all your hard work in actual kilograms and it motivates you if you can see the stats and how strong you get over time. I also like the Body Tracker on the “FitNotes” app you can customize your own measurements. I am officially obsessed about measuring my arms and legs since I’ve discovered that function. Back to the one mile I decreased my time with 9 seconds at 06 min and 33 sec on the one mile. I would love to run that under 6 sec, but at this stage it feels like I am holding my breath for 6 min

Chunking-Down Big Dreams, Enormous Goals and Endless Work.

If you have huge tasks, big dreams, enormous goals and endless work please do not kill yourself in the way you think you’ll get everything accomplished in one day or in one big chunk. You need to break tasks down it is an important way to keep you going and motivated you don’t want to be paralyzed by how big your goals are or how much work you have. Break it down and that will help you to achieve your goals and dreams much faster than you’ve imagined. Remember your work should last you forever you’re going to do it until you leave this world you might as well do that what your passionate about 16 hours every day. Let me give you a personal example. I want to write a book about fitness motivation and make a movie about it, but I hate talking into the camera so I write my thoughts on paper, film and document my workouts to develop my confidence in writing and filming and eventually speaking... Any step closer to your dreams is better than no step forward.  Plus I have no idea what gra

The warrior diet and my knowledge and experience with it:

Friday I really destroyed my arms and calves. I started out with the barbell curl still a bit too heavy, but I will adapt to that got to 6 reps with 47 kg at the end I was cheating and swinging a bit to get the weight up. When you train like this and you superset biceps and triceps it really pushes the volume in your arms and it must submit to the training and grow period. Even though I am still on the warrior diet and I only eat once a day I still maintain my muscle mass. Yes it goes down, but when I eat well in that big meal and sleep my body starts to recover, from the weight training and the next day I will focus on different muscle groups than I have trained the previous day. So it is safe to say I haven’t lost any muscle mass on the warrior diet only allot of body fat though. I will post the graphs later on so you can exactly see how much or little did I gain or lose, but so far I only see positive results. New research suggest that when you do intermittent fasting your body i

Weekend Mindset - Fast Forward and Just Do It!

I am fast forwarding Friday's or yesterday's training log. My abs are sore today I had a good session ,but I did not plan my routine I just went random don’t even know how long I’ve trained I think I did like 300 crunches in total. Do not waste too much time thinking; if you’re starting to think too much just to it! When you can see what you do it motivates you to work even harder. Who wants to quit after all that hours, days, weeks, months and even years of effort it would not make sense would it? Having a platform where you can publish your content is a great way to keep track of your work and to motivate yourself to break barriers and go to the next level. Also if you can post it publicly you will find people can hold you accountable for the trash that you talk on social media and expect you to deliver on your promises that alone can force you to attack your goals and dreams and fast forward all your effort to the next big thing. Volume and speed is what you need. Don’t

Rewind & Rethink Friday

Just a bit on mindset today I hope this makes you think about your life before you go out and party with your friends tonight. Know there is some kid out there that is working hard and getting smarter like Arnold used to say... Also I have to give credit to NCS (no copy right free music) for creating excellent content. I love using their music in my videos. If you’re a video producer please go on their page like and subscribe or check out their latest music for free. Now back to mindset everyone wants to be an paid you-tuber or instagramer or a blogger with good or bad grammar, but very few people are willing to tie themselves to a chair, lock themselves in a room and create content. And everyone wants a six pack, but very few people are willing to put in the hard work, pain and discipline or cut out friends that do not have the same vision as them. You have to spend time alone to get to know yourself for this to happen. It all comes down to what is your priority and what are you do

Workout Log 59 – The Sweaty Leg Day

Core activation, actual weight lifted and free weights compared to machines. Yesterday – Thursday’s workout routine… I will be adding my body weight to my weights to keep track and to monitor my progress when doing strength training with free weights on my legs. It is a good way of tracking your fitness levels since I will be using the “FitNotes” app to track and log my strength training from now on. It is easy to lift 300 kg on the leg press try doing one legged squats with no weights it is much harder, because you use all of your body weight on one leg plus you use your body’s core muscles and other stabilizers or smaller muscles to keep you balanced while lifting ,which you wouldn’t have used while doing machines. Think of it this way when you do the leg press you don’t actually push your own body weight you push the weight on the machine ,but if you do squats you push your own weight plus the weight on the bar. I am not ridiculing the leg press or other machine equip


Motivation = Motive or reason why you are doing something. The amount of reasons you have to take a certain action will determine your motivation level, but it doesn’t end with motivation. It starts with discipline. Discipline is that thing you do on the day, because you’re convinced you must do it regardless of how you feel. 1) Weight training legs is the hardest workout for me personally and I used to skip leg days in high school even though I could bench press more than double my own bodyweight, because my friend skipped leg days I also skipped leg days until I realized how ridiculous you look with a big chest and skinny legs. 2) Running 10km is nothing compared to 5 sets of squats it makes me out of breath even worse than the little burn you get from it, but I do it because it gets me into momentum to do other workouts after that. 3) It burns body fat as well. 4) Makes your heart beat slower as you get fitter. 5) Slower heart rate means better longevity. 5) Why do

The 300 Lunge Challange

Last night I did not really sleep I got about 4 hours max. I think I have gotten insomnia, because I went from a Jug of filter coffee of 5 cups a day to just water. The first day you feel like you want to sleep the whole day, but the second day you can’t sleep the whole night even though I did not sleep during the day. The whole reason for drinking coffee was that I could stay awake and alert. Funny now that I stop drinking coffee I can’t sleep at night. Any case I don’t feel tired this morning, because I have new ideas I want to test. I thought last night what if I do 300 lunges every week excluding all my exercises that I will be doing with this. So if I do lunges with my body weight only as a daily activity how would my legs look like in 30 days?  This morning at 03:57 am while I could not sleep I was doing 60 lunges in less than 5 min. I tracked it with Samsun S health and my Samsung Gearfit2pro. If you do 60 lunges for 5 days in a row you have done 300 lunges from Mond

Workout 51 - Legs

Mindset: Today my gluts and nerves weren’t hurt, but the stiffness went into my lower back and I decided to keep the barbell of my back. I just knew I had to train legs regardless of how I feel I need to push through the pain ,because the pain don’t go away if you do nothing. You have to stretch and train around the stiffness or soreness to recover and become better and stronger. Every day you should fight to improve yourself…   Walking Lunge: The walking lunge is one of the best exercises you can do with your own body weight putting a bit more resistance on one leg at a time building strength and endurance and it feels like you’re making progression with each step. I normally use it as a warm up or if I feel really weak on the day then I start with this exercise with no weights until I get stronger to do the barbell or the free weights. Static Side Lunge: I focused on the static side lunge to train  a bit more on my inner thighs (adductor muscles) to work in different angles and

My body composition and continuous research

Funny story last night I dreamed I ate potatoes at the gym at the same time I forgot I was doing intermitted fasting and was so mad at myself. I woke up around 9am with black coffee no sugar no milk I think I come to like the bitter taste it’s much better than beer. It looks like I am seeing improvements on the scale. Within one week I gained a little weight back again, but it was the weight that I needed the bone and muscle mass not the fat. Bear in mind if you already are very fit and in shape it is extremely hard to further drop your body fat and increase your muscle mass compared to the average unfit overweight individual. In the beginning it goes faster given that you were disciplined in your diet and exercise regime. I wrote about 10 pages on my body composition and the effect the warrior diet had on me today. I guess I should continue my research. I am really starting to think I could have a book by the end of this year when I can keep this up every single day. Instagram shou